Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Fedora 8 will be shipped with a theme called Infinity, unfortunately, that feature does not exist under KDE.

That is why, I decided to give it a shot, so I created a Perl script that does just that.

When the script is run, it gets the time, parses the hour, and then changes the background using dcop.

You can find the script Here.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mandriva, Kubuntu, Gentoo, and Fedora

I installed Gentoo 3 months ago, I still remember the first (and only) time I installed it, it took me three days to be able to put everything together and have a working system, including the GUI (KDE).
I've tried other distros before I start using Gentoo (maily Mandriva and Kubuntu), I can't say that I didn't see a difference in speed between Mandriva and Gentoo (as a matter of fact, you can see the difference between Mandriva and any other distro), but there was almost no difference in speed between Kubuntu and Gentoo.
As hard to use as it is, and as hard to install it is, I liked Gentoo, may be because of the geeky-ness factor :-/ I don't know.
Eventually, I got fed up with Gentoo, I reached the point that I don't want to install from source anymore.
That's when I decided to try a new distro, since I was planning to take the RHCE exam, I decided to give Fedora a shot, since it is the closest to RHEL.
So I did, and my only regret is that I didn't find it earlier.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Nodoka KDE Window Decoration

Today, I made a KDE implementation of Nodoka window decoration using DeKorator.

You can download it from Here.

It feels so good to contribute to a distro and then use whatever you've done.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The art of Japanese pen spinning

I'm starting to love digg! I joined it two days ago and it's amazing how much cool stuff they have there, here's another video I found on digg:

35 Most Clever Marketing Ads

This is another funny thing I found on digg:
35 Most Clever Marketing Ads

It's funny how our world is today, everything is a business, and every business owner advertises his business, and there are businesses that make their profit from other businesses' advertisements...

What's funny in all this is that we are the ones being "fooled", we are the ones that buy the products, we are the ones that click the ads we see online everyday, we are the ones that are causing these businesses to survive.

I wonder if the internet would still exist if advertisements were not allowed.

FYI, when the internet first appeared, ads WERE not allowed!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Just yesterday I created an orkut account.
I have an account on Friendster because all my friends from the Philippine School Muscat have accounts there, but I didn't bother creating an orkut account because most of them are from India, Pakistan, and Brazil, or at least that's what I thought.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not racist, it's just that I don't know much people from those countries.
Surprisingly, I found a lot of my friends from the Philippine School, they even have a community :-/
Not only that, but they even have this thing called "Scrapbook", it's like comments but more like a chat, people reply to that really quickly.
In conclusion, there is more to social networking than Friendster :P

Suicide Hotline

I found this on digg, it's hilarious.


Web 3.0?

I have tried blogging before, but I gave up after a while...

But just today (Well, it's past midnight, so, yesterday) I read about the start of Web 3.0, so I said to myself "If I don't use Web 2.0, how will I cope with Web 3.0?".

For that reason, I created this blog, hopping that I will be able to commit this time :)

You can view my homepage to know more about me.